Friday, 6 September 2013

Book Description
                            Beginning Windows 8 Application Development – XAML Edition introduces you to the Windows 8 modern app design paradigm and the new Windows 8 programming model developed around this paradigm.  You'll learn to build rich, immersive applications designed to run on the many devices that will be powered by Windows 8. 

With the introduction of Windows 8, once again Microsoft has re-envisioned the way that PCs and devices will be used and applications will be built in a world that has become far more connected.  The Windows 8 modern UI style is far more than a programming model and Beginning Windows 8 Application Development – XAML Edition takes you beyond the syntax of any development language.  We examine the factors such as UX (User Experience), social integration, and maintaining data and settings across multiple devices. 

  • Gives an early start to building next-generation connected applications
  • Introduces new programming libraries available in Windows 8
  • Explores Windows 8 app design concepts

What you’ll learn

Beginning Windows 8 Application Development - XAML Edition will enable you to:
  • Apply Windows 8 modern UI style design guidelines to build effective user interfaces
  • Consume services to bring data into your application
  • Effectively use application tiles and notifications
  • Use the cloud to share data and application settings across multiple devices
  • Integrate with Windows by exposing your application’s data to Windows Search and Share menus

Table of Contents

  1. Welcome to a Touch-Based World
  2. The Metro Design Language
  3. Designing Windows 8 Applications for Metro
  4. Metro Application Types
  5. XAML Controls in the Visual Studio Toolbox – The Common Controls
  6. XAML Controls in the Visual Studio Toolbox – Other Controls
  7. Building the User Interface
  8. Data Binding
  9. Introducing MVVM
  10. Starting the ViewModel - Data
  11. Inversion of Control
  12. The Role of Service Agents
  13. Asynchronous Programming Model
  14. Mocking the ViewModel’s Behavior
  15. Connecting to Data in the Cloud 
  16. Completing the Service Agents
  17. Interacting with Windows Search
  18. Notification and Tiles
  19. Sensors, Devices and the Location API
  20. Windows Marketplace and Deploying Your Metro App

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  1. Not working "Error (509)
    This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!"
