Course Description
This subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. It also aims to help students, regardless of their major, to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class will use the Python programming language.
Lecture # 1
This subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. It also aims to help students, regardless of their major, to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class will use the Python programming language.
Lecture # 1
This lecture covers course expectations, introduces computer programming and its uses, and begins to familiarize you with concepts related to how programs work.
lecture # 2
This lecture covers the building blocks of straight line and branching programs: objects, types, operators, variables, execution, and conditional statements.
Lecture # 3
This lecture covers the use of iteration to build programs whose execution time depends upon the size of inputs. It also introduces search problems and brute force and bisection for solving them.
Lecture # 4
This lecture introduces the notion of decomposition and abstraction by specification. It also covers Python modules, functions, parameters, and scoping. Finally, it uses the Python assert statement and
type 'str'.
Lecture # 5
This lecture introduces Python tuples, lists, and dictionaries, as well as the concept of mutability and how to avoid problems relating to it.
Lecture # 6
This lecture finishes the discussion of dictionaries, then introduces inductive reasoning and recursion. Examples include generating the Fibonacci sequence and solving the Towers of Hanoi problem.
Lecture # 7
This lecture starts with a brief explanation of why floating point numbers are only an approximation of the real numbers. Most of the lecture is about a systematic approach to debugging.
Lecture # 8
This lecture revolves around the topic of algorithmic efficiency. It introduces the random access model (RAM) of computation and "big O notation" as a way to talk about order of growth. It concludes with binary search.
Lecture # 9
This lecture discusses how indirection is used to provide an efficient implementation of Python lists and other data structures. It also presents and analyzes the efficiency of selection and merge sort.
Lecture # 10
This lecture starts by showing how hashing can be used to achieve near constant time lookups and the concept of classes as understood by a computer. It then introduces exceptions.
Lecture # 11
In this lecture, we learn about object-oriented programming (OOP) and how classes are used to implement new types of objects in Python. As part of that discussion we introduce inheritance.
Lecture # 12
This lecture completes the introduction of classes by showing a way to implement user-defined iterators. It then discusses simulation models, and illustrates some of the ideas underlying simulations modeling by simulating a random walk.
Lecture # 13
This lecture returns briefly to random walks, and moves on to discuss different views of non-determinism and an introduction to probability. It concludes with examples of using pylab to plot data.
Lecture # 14
This lecture starts with some examples of how to use pylab's plotting mechanisms. It then returns to the topic of using probability and statistics to derive information from samples.
Lecture # 15
This lecture presents ways of ascertaining how dependable information extracted from samples is likely to be. It covers standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and standard error. It also shows how to use pylab to produce histograms.
Lecture # 16
This lecture starts by defining normal (Gaussian), uniform, and exponential distributions. It then shows how Monte Carlo simulations can be used to analyze the classic Monty Hall problem and to find an approximate value of pi.
Lecture # 17
This lecture is about how to use computation to help understand experimental data. It talks about using linear regression to fit a curve to data, and introduces the coefficient of determination as a measure of the tightness of a fit.
Lecture # 18
This lecture continues the discussion of curve fitting, emphasizing the interplay among theory, experimentation, and computation and addressing the problem of over-fitting. It then moves on to introduce the notion of an optimization problem, and illustrates it using the 0/1 knapsack problem.
Lecture # 19
This lecture continues to discuss optimization in the context of the knapsack problem, and talks about the difference between greedy approaches and optimal approaches. It then moves on to discuss supervised and unsupervised machine learning optimization problems. Most of the time is spent on clustering.
Lecture # 20
This lecture covers hierarchical clustering and introduces k-means clustering.
Lecture # 21
This lecture begins by finishing up k-means clustering. It then moves on to introduce the notion of modeling things using graphs (sets of nodes and edges that link them).
Lecture # 22
This lecture returns to graph theory. It defines and gives examples of some classic graph problems: shortest path, shortest weighted path, cliques, and min-cut. It then shows how memoization can be used to speed up some algorithms.
Lecture # 23
This lecture introduces dynamic programming, and discusses the notions of optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems.
Lecture # 24
This lecture discusses some common ways that people use statistics to draw invalid or misleading conclusions.
Lecture # 25
This lecture introduces queuing network models and simulations. It also prepares students to read the code they are asked to study in preparation for the final exam.
Lecture # 26 (Last)
This lecture provides some perspective on the material covered in the course. In addition to giving a high-level view of the topics covered, it provides a glimpse of what one might do with an education in computer science.
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