Saturday, 24 August 2013

                     Gary Bronson's A FIRST BOOK OF C++, Fourth Edition, takes a hands-on, applied approach to the first programming language course for students studying computer science. The book begins with procedural programming in C, and then gradually introduces object-oriented programming features and the C++ language syntax that enables first-time programmers to use them.

Table of Contents
Part I: FUNDAMENTALS OF C++ PROGRAMMING. 1. Getting Started. 2. Data Types, Declarations, and Displays. 3. Assignment and Interactive Input. 4. Selection. 5. Repetition. 6. Modularity Using Functions. 7. Arrays. 8. Arrays and Pointers. 9. I/O Streams and Data Files. Part II: OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING. 10. Introduction to Classes. 11. Adding Functionality to Your Classes. 12. Extending Your Classes. 13. The Standard Template Library. Part III: ADDITIONAL TOPICS. 14. The string Class and Exception Handling. 15. Strings as Character Arrays. 16. Data Structures. Appendices. A: Operator Precedence Table. B: ASCII Character Codes. C: Bit Operations (online only; NOT in book). D: Floating-Point Number Storage. E: Solutions to Selected Exercises.
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